Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Fine Lines & Wrinkles (Ageing / Rhytids) / Collagen Induction Therapy / Skin Rejuvenation / Ultra Violet Damage

  Dermapen World

What is Dermapen™?

Dermapen™ is the original and best skin needling device that promotes scar less healing and natural collagen reproduction, similar to fractional laser treatments, IPL, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels, but without the side effects and downtime.

Dermapen™ treatment is safer and more effective in piercing the skin than traditional skin needling rollers, because of its unique vertical needling technology. Dermapen™ has a superior effect on collagen and elastin rejuvenation as it allows active ingredients to be supplied to the deeper layers of the skin.

How does the Dermapen treatment work?

Dermapen™ uses 12 surgical grade micro needles that deliver effortless and effective skin needling. The exclusive needle system is nickel and titanium free in an individual spring loaded cartridge which allows for procedure depth versatility to customise every treatment area and concern. Dermapens™ unique spring loaded cartridge uses electrically charged automation to revolutionise skin needling procedures.

The oscillating stamp like pen (with AOVN™ technology) harmoniously vibrates and glides over the skin providing the most efficient control, safety and comfort as possible. With 12 needles in each tip and a motor which is capable of 180 Hz, the Dermapen™ produces around 1300 micro channels per second.

Dermapen Image 1  Dermapen Image 2

What are fine lines & wrinkles?

A rhytid, is a wrinkle in the skin. The skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and subcutaneous fat.

  • The epidermis, the top layer of the skin, produces melanin, which gives the skin its color. It also protects the skin, with special cells known as keratinocytes, against environmental toxins. Some parts of the body have a thicker epidermis, like the soles of the feet, than the eyelids, which has thinner epidermis.
  • The dermis, the middle layer of skin, has many functions. It is the source of sweat glands and sensation. It also grows hair and produces oil to keep skin smooth. It is the location of blood vessels that feeds skin and removes toxins.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is the bottom layer of skin. With its special connecting tissue, it attaches the dermis to muscles and bones. It supports the function of nerve cells and blood vessels. It is also responsible for controlling the temperature of the body and padding muscles and bones to protect them from bumps and falls.

Each layer of skin is affected by aging, genetics and environmental factors. The layers tend to become thinner when tissue production slows, making the skin susceptible to damage and change. Thinner skin that is no longer filled in with collagen and fat cells begins to show lines and wrinkles.

Causes of Wrinkles

Wrinkles are caused by a combination of different conditions. Some people are genetically predisposed to develop wrinkles. Some of the causes of wrinkles include:

  • Age
  • Exposure to harmful substances for a prolonged period of time
  • Artificial tanning
  • Ultraviolet light
  • Poor diet
  • Smoking

The constant contraction of facial muscles, either by squinting or smiling can also lead to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. With thinner skin the muscles are no longer able to maintain its flexibility and retain its shape.

Treatment of Wrinkles

For most people, fine lines and wrinkles on the skin is part of the aging process. Wrinkles appear as creases or folds in the skin. They are seen on the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body. There are several treatment options available to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, they include:

  • Dermapen
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser treatments
  • Topical creams

Prevention of Wrinkles & Fine Lines

Simple lifestyle changes can help reduce or prevent the signs of aging. Some of them include:

  • Wearing sunscreen on a daily basis
  • Not tanning
  • Moisturizing on a daily basis
  • Regular facials
  • Limiting the number of products and make-up used

Are Dermapen treatments painful?

Most clients who have had derma roller and Dermapen felt that the treatment was more comfortable with Dermapen and less downtime.

The treatment is very comfortable and requires no topical anesthetics, unlike the derma roller, or other skin preparation. The skin surface can also be cooled after the treatment to ensure additional treatment safety. Patients will experience limited downtime.

When can I expect to see results from Dermapen treatments?

The number of treatments depends on how deep the fine lines and wrinkles are and how much collagen stimulation is required. Dermapen treatments will become a normal part of your facial treatment plan for an ongoing result and skin rejuvenation. Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION to establish your personalised treatment plan.

Is Dermapen safe, and are there any side effects?

Dermapen is a safe and effective treatment for most skin types. There are generally no side effects with the treatment, although some people may experience some short-term reddening immediately after their treatment, but this subsides quickly.

Clinical results

Fine Lines & Wrinkles Before Treatment  Fine Lines & Wrinkles After Treatment

           Before Treatment                 After 8 Treatments

Dermapen Image

If you have any further questions about this treatment, please do not hesistate to contact us.

Area  Time Per Session 6 Sessions
Face & Neck 30mins £195.00 £975.00
Chest 30mins £200.00 £1000.00
2 Treatments at the same time 45mins £230.00 £1150.00

All prices include VAT

To book an appointment with us, please contact us


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  • Hours of Business:
  • Mon-Thurs: 09:00-21:00
  • Fri:            09:00-18:00
  • Sat & Sun: 08:30-18:00

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